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Endangered Species Legislation

         What would you do if there was an endangered species in your backyard? Would you even know? Have you ever thought that the bumblebee which visits your flower garden or the martin that frequents your favorite walking trail was threatened or endangered?
       Endangered Species Acts have been created in Canada and internationally as an attempt to assist species which are experiencing population declines. These Acts have provided a classification system which categorizes species based on their risk of become threatened, endangered or extinct and furthermore implements  a scientific approach to conservation strategies aimed at the protection of these species. Below are four active Acts and Organizations throughout the world.

United States Fish and Wildlife Services

United States Fish and Wildlife Services started out in 1871 as "United States Commission on Fish and Fisheries". They are a federal government organization who have three main objectives; 1) Develop and apply an environmental stewardship ethic based on science and morals, 2) Guide the conservation, management and development of fish and wildlife services in the US, 3) Administer a program to provide public opportunities to become educated about how to appreciate and conserve fish and wildlife resources [11]. ​​

How are Species Listed?


Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)


The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) was established in 1977, and began doing wildlife assessments in 1978. They meet yearly to discuss these assessments and decide which species to recommend for protection under SARA. An important thing to note about COSEWIC is that they do not get to decide which species are protected, but do assessments and make recommendations based on what they learn [2]. ​

How are Species Listed?

The International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN Red List)


The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN Red List) was founded in October 1948. The goal of IUCN is to find “pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges”. It is both the world’s largest and oldest environmental network. Over 1000 government and non-government organizations are involved. The IUCN Red List (also known as IUCN List of Threatened Species) was founded in 1962. It is the most comprehensive list of globally threatened species in the world [16].

How are Species Listed?

Species at Risk Act


The Species at Risk Act (SARA) was established December 12 2002. When it comes to giving a species federal protection, the Minister of Environment acts under SARA to make the ultimate decision. SARA acts to review species recommended for protection by COSEWIC, as well as develop legislation to protect the species that they deem eligible for protection. SARA prioritizes and categorizes these species based on the amount of protection they require. Though SARA offers protection to many species in need, there are many others that are not granted protection for various reasons [18].

How are Species Listed?

(c) FWS, 2013


(c) IUCN

(c) SARA

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